
Figure.grdview(self, reliefgrid, **kwargs)

Create 3-D perspective image or surface mesh from a grid.

Reads a 2-D grid file and produces a 3-D perspective plot by drawing a mesh, painting a colored/gray-shaded surface made up of polygons, or by scanline conversion of these polygons to a raster image. Options include draping a data set on top of a surface, plotting of contours on top of the surface, and apply artificial illumination based on intensities provided in a separate grid file.

Full option list at

reliefgrid : str or xarray.DataArray

The file name of the input relief grid or the grid loaded as a DataArray.

zscale (Jz) or zsize (JZ) : float or str

Set z-axis scaling or z-axis size.

cmap (C) : str

The name of the color palette table to use.

drapegrid (G) : str or xarray.DataArray

The file name or a DataArray of the image grid to be draped on top of the relief provided by reliefgrid. [Default determines colors from reliefgrid]. Note that -Jz and -N always refers to the reliefgrid. The drapegrid only provides the information pertaining to colors, which (if drapegrid is a grid) will be looked-up via the CPT (see -C).

plane (N) : float or str

level[+gfill]. Draws a plane at this z-level. If the optional color is provided via the +g modifier, and the projection is not oblique, the frontal facade between the plane and the data perimeter is colored.

surftype (Q) : str

Specifies cover type of the reliefgrid. Select one of following settings: 1. ‘m’ for mesh plot [Default]. 2. ‘mx’ or ‘my’ for waterfall plots (row or column profiles). 3. ‘s’ for surface plot. 4. ‘i’ for image plot. 5. ‘c’. Same as ‘i’ but will make nodes with z = NaN transparent. For any of these choices, you may force a monochrome image by appending the modifier +m.

contourpen (Wc) : str

Draw contour lines on top of surface or mesh (not image). Append pen attributes used for the contours.

meshpen (Wm) : str

Sets the pen attributes used for the mesh. You must also select -Qm or -Qsm for meshlines to be drawn.

facadepen (Wf) :str

Sets the pen attributes used for the facade. You must also select -N for the facade outline to be drawn.

perspective (p) : list or str

'[x|y|z]azim[/elev[/zlevel]][+wlon0/lat0[/z0]][+vx0/y0]'. Select perspective view.

- B = frame
- C = cmap
- G = drapegrid
- J = projection
- JZ = zsize
- Jz = zscale
- N = plane
- Q = surftype
- R = region
- Wc = contourpen
- Wf = facadepen
- Wm = meshpen
- p = perspective